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British Airways, my Business Class experience.

British Airways Business Class, what an excellent experience.

Just over a week ago I travelled out to France as I have done on several occasions to stay with my good friend Justin of Azur Cycle Tours and get some good training in with him in the local hills. I was looking at flight details a few weeks before and was struggling to find anything at the right price for me on the correct dates. Then my last option was the Tuesday and I noticed on my outbound flight the standard seat with baggage is only £25 cheaper than the Business Class seat. A spur of the moment thing I went for it and brought myself this little luxury. Little did I know then how much extra you get with Business Class!

I drove myself over to Gatwick nice and early on the Tuesday early afternoon. Parked up and made my way to the British Airways desks. As always I was in and out in less than 2 minutes. Very smiley and cheerful staff, bike box on weight and I was ready to find the Business Class departure lounge which I was told had complementary food and drink. Excellent!

Off I went as I had no really had much of a lunch yet and found the Lounge had closed at 15:00, but they have the “Terrace” open once the Lounge closes. Well, what did I find inside here.... Super clean toilets, a very large area of comfy seats arm chairs and sofa’s. A rolling table of all BA flights. Live action from the Tour de France on the big screen. Free Wifi if you wanted it with many charging points.

Then comes the food, the couple in front of me seemed a bit disappointed the Lounge was closed, soI can only imagine how awesome that is as the Terrace food and drink was outstanding! We had hot soup which was kept topped up and piping hot. several different breads to dip in your soup. Crackers and some Oat cakes. A selection of very nice sandwiches (I very much advice the Salmon). The we some over to the sweets area where there was some very yummy flapjacks, dried fruit, nuts if you like them (I certainly do NOT), Kettle crisps. Apples, Bananas, Oranges.

My view from my leather seat on row 2.

Then we progress to the drinks, there was 2 huge and very clever looking coffee machines. These produced really nice coffee, Latte, Cappuccino, Americano and expresso. There was also around 10-12 different brews of tea on offer. From your builders tea down to all the herbal options. Sparkling water, still water, branded coke and several other fizzy pops. I did not have a good look in the bar area but by the looks of it a selection of wines, beers and ales. Truly incredible!

To say I did not know where to start is an understatement. After a bowl of soup and a couple of sandwiches I thought where I could be sitting. Which was in the departure area with screaming kids and parents shouting at them to sit down and behave, and sitting on plastic hard chairs. Here I was, dressed like a part time tramp, sitting on a luxurious arm chair watching the Tour and eating some delicious food beside all the hard working business men and women.

So would I say it is worth it, well I am uber tight and I would certainly go with Business Class again if I see it at this lowered price. It really does make the experience of pre flight so much calmer and nicer.

Now I go onto the flight, anyone who has flown BA will know there are a few seats toward the front where (if you are like me) you look at the people in them with an eye of jealousy. I was for this flight one of those... but dressed in a tramp outfit, t-shirt, trackie bottoms and dirty trainers. Ideal, I fitted in just so! ;) Once we were up and the seat belt light went off the curtain went across so all the people behind cannot see what we are getting to eat. We firstly get a hot towel to “freshen up”, very nice. Then asked what we would like to drink, Tea and sparkling water please. Excellent, good tea too! Then onto the food, see above picture of the super plate we had. The choice was Beef casserole or satay Prawns in a mango salad. This sounded lush to me and it was! Also we had a “trio” of biscuits, all very nice. A little box with 2 designer chocolates in. A choice of roll, 2 chunks of cheese with a gorgeous lump of prune jam. More Tea and sparkling water, don’t mind if I do.

Friends will know I am not the keenest flier there is. I am now better but the BA Business Class experience was actually making me completely forget I was up at 38,000 feet. I think I spent 15 minutes not worrying about flying in anyway. That is how good this service is.

So, all in all. I would guess pound for pound I could have brought the food etc for less than the extra money I paid, but the overall experience form start to finish really was brilliant. Staff very helpful, polite as always with BA. Food excellent throughout. You gotta get yourself in the Business Class if you can. You might even see me there... ;)

Thanks as always for reading, back to a cycling blog in the next few days you will be pleased to hear (or not)... I hear the yawns. :-)

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Hi, my name is Paul Hamblett, AKA piglet. I am a former elite lightweight rower turned cyclist. I have created this blog to share my training progress, race results, and any interesting experiences as I attempt to fulfill my potential in this sport.

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