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HAUTE ROUTE, One week to go.....

Haute Route, One week to go....

With the Pyrenees having started three days ago its a good indication that the start of the Alps event is coming round fast!! This time next week we will be hopefully getting into the second stage, and a brutal stage that is. After the excitement and adrenaline of the first day riders this stage that takes in a huge amount of climbing will put some in a deep dark hole. Hopefully I will stay in a light and bright place....

Above: Me training in Beaulieu, the last time I was seen riding without arm and leg warmers.

My final block of hard training is now complete and in the bag. Hopefully I can now get a good few days recovery in before the off on the Promenade des Anglais. The training has been generally pretty good since returning back to the UK, obviously the climbing has been minimal and some of the tough sessions have had to be done on rollers indoor (mostly due to me being a fair weather rider). I feel the old knee issues are as good as they have been at any point, I am managing a few days of intensity back to back. I think this is mostly due to regular treatments with Laurence on my legs. That is a great bonus of being in the rainy UK!

Strangely it seems that some people do actually read these blogs, I have had questions wondering if I am doing the blog again during the Haute Route. For those interested I will be trying to do one each day as we tack our way up the Alps towards Geneva and then onto Venice after a day off.

Only a short blog today, sorry for those who do read that it has been so long since the last one.

Thanks as usual for reading.

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Hi, my name is Paul Hamblett, AKA piglet. I am a former elite lightweight rower turned cyclist. I have created this blog to share my training progress, race results, and any interesting experiences as I attempt to fulfill my potential in this sport.

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