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Haute Route Alps, Stage 4. Big day in the saddle!

Haute Route Alps, Stage 4. A BIG one...

I am continuing to be running behind schedule on the stage by stage blogging. Sorry for that. Just pretend like today it is Tuesday and all will be fine. I have, as we speak trying to connect my laptop to the internet and no joy. French Wifi is worse than my 3G on my phone which has worked perfectly every day.

Moving onto the stage. I was nicely woken up to a speedie visit to the toilet. I say no more.... This was stage 4, we had 4200m of elevation to get through and I was in “get through it” mode. All the way up the Galibier was our first challenge, I really took this steady as I had a second “speedie” toilet visit only 10 minute before we rolled out.

It was a chilly start in the shade of the mountains, but beautiful views all round. I did start to enjoy the climb as I was taking it incredibly easy. We had time off at the summit, our kit was there from our guides. We had the neutralised descent and then the organisation told us there would be a feed stop before we restarted the time. They lied on that one and a lot of people were then not prepared for the next section with no food or drink. Fortunately I was not working too hard and like to always have more than enough food on me. Off we went and after the Telegraph’s little ascent. Then down down down we go to the foot of the Col de la Croix de Fer.

We did this climb in the Marmotte but with the Mollard for the first few kilometres. Hell its a tough climb and relentless when you are climbing! The numbers tell you it is 1522m of elevation gain but that does not take into account the downhill sections. So I would guess it really is a 1750m climb. Brutal to say the least. Following that we had a timed descent and then time off before we entered the valley which rolls to the foot of the Alpe d’huez climb. I was glad to not have to turn onto that climb with the Marmot pain still in the mind. Instead we had a really long roll and a rise up to the start of the very last timed section, the ascent to Les Deux Alpes.

After a pretty chilled day I went through the timing point and suddenly thought I would see what I had. The section was around 8k and I believe I did a decent climb. So found a little bit of confidence there. I am rooming with Swedish guy called Freddie, he has raced at a high level and convinced me before bed I should give the beans in morning and see what I have. Sounded like a plan, I internally decided if I had no more bad toilet issues I would do the beans bit.

Forecast for tomorrow is even more heat and no rain (YAYYY!!). So even if I do blow my doors off I should be able to enjoy the route getting back to La Toussuire.

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Hi, my name is Paul Hamblett, AKA piglet. I am a former elite lightweight rower turned cyclist. I have created this blog to share my training progress, race results, and any interesting experiences as I attempt to fulfill my potential in this sport.

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